Christine Parker Fitness

Christine Parker FitnessThis website was actually finished some time ago, but I forgot to post it up here. It was designed for Christine Parker. She is a fitness instructor, motivator, mother of four and wife. I really don’t know how she does it. Unbelievable energy!

During the process, I arranged to come take photos of one of her 6:00am classes. Well, guess who forgot and overslept?? Not her! And not her clients…ME! That was not one of my prouder moments. When I did make it in to the 6:00 am, I took some photos and then joined in the workout. It was really fun and I was sore for days šŸ˜‰ integrates with her email program, MailChimp. There are two ways this happens. First, as you see on her homepage, email addresses are collected for her weekly newsletter. Even if you don’t take her classes, take a second and signup for her newsletter. Every Sunday you will receive a motivating, informational email with tips, recipes and her class schedule. Really great stuff. The second part of the integration is via her blog. When she makes a blog post, she can choose to also have that post automatically emailed to her client emailĀ list and/or post on Facebook.

It’s importantĀ to note here is that the blog post triggers the email and Facebook post.

Why is this important? For your site to show up in the search engines up at the top where you want it to be, you must have new, fresh, legitimate, frequently changing content on your blog! I can’t say enough about that. After Wayout builds you an awesome website, there is only so much we can do to ensure your high ranking in the search engines.Ā Our sites are built on the Genesis platform which is optimized for search engines. Most of our websites are hosted with A2 Hosting, which gives you super-fast page load times. Now it’s up to you.

You are the expert in your industry. You know your product or service, and you know what cool thing happened at work or in your industry this week. Blog about it! Believe me, I know it’s difficult to find the time to sit down and write. My last post was fromĀ September. That’s a great example of “do what I say; not what I do.” I will be posting much more often. I’ve carved out the time in my schedule and I’m making it happen. Blog with me people!

You ready for some help with that blog?